
      客户关怀理念最早由克拉特巴克提出,他认为:顾客关怀是服务质量标准化的一种基本方式,它涵盖了公司经营的各个方面,从产品或服务设计到它如何包装、交付和服务。 客户关怀能够有效提高顾客消费体验,具体表现体现在以下几方面: (1)高度满意的顾客会更加、更久地忠实于企业; (2)主动尝试企业更多的新产品并提高购买价值更高的产品; (3)对企业及其产品说好话,形成良性口碑; (4)忽视竞争品牌及其广告。并对价格变化反应平淡; (5)由于更加熟悉与交易的程序化而降低服务成本。


      The concept of customer care was first proposed by Krat Bakker, who argued that customer care is a fundamental way to standardize service quality, covering all aspects of a company's business, from product or service design to how it is packaged, delivered and serviced. Customer care can effectively improve the customer experience, the specific performance is reflected in the following areas: (1) highly satisfied customers will be more, more faithful to the enterprise; (2) take the initiative to try more new business products and increase the value of the purchase of higher products; (3) of the enterprises and their products that good words, the formation of benign reputation; (4) ignore the competitive brand and its advertising. And flat response to price changes; (5) Reduce service costs by becoming more familiar with the programming of transactions.

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